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The unique feature of EBEEPS which distinguish it from rest of such online systems is the identification of students’ weaknesses with respect to Cognitive Domains and Content Categories with a view to enable them to direct their concerted efforts and lay their focus toward the grey areas of their learning and exam preparations by overcoming the mistakes which they usually commit while attempting their papers.
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Founder — Ebeeps

What is Ebeeps?

EBEEPS is a comprehensive interactive online education and exam preparation system which guides the students with a focused approach for achievement of highest scores in their final/entry test exams.

Provision of Results

First ever such education and exam preparation system which guides the students in the right direction with a focused approach.

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Performance Analytics

Provides detail analysis on already attempted papers from a particular chapter or throughout the book.

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Paper Discussions

Likewise, the teachers/subject specialist are also provided with such analytics to enable them to identify the areas in which most of the students are weak and need main focus of their efforts.

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Improvement Methodology

“Result and Analytics” Sections of the EBEEPS enable students to identify their weak and strog areas of preparations with remedies.

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Results and Analytics

“Result and Analytics” Sections of the EBEEPS enable students to identify their weak areas of preparations.

Paper Results

Detailed Report on Paper Results with Different Trends
This section provides an in depth information to the readers about the way EBEEPS guide its students through provision of paper results attempted by them. The results are provided with a view to make them realize about their performance in each question along with mistakes committed and way forward to overcome these mistakes for improvement of their performance.

Performance Analytics

Detailed Anatysis on strong and weak areas of study/preparations
This section is designed to provide an overall performance analysis of the students with a view to identify and pin point their weak areas of study/preparations so that they can be guided for improvement through a focused approach. Analytics are provided from various angles for each chapter or complete book as a whole as per desired of the viewer.

Cognitive Domain Analysis

Detailed Analysis Report on Cognitive Domains
With a view to pin point the grey areas of students’ preparation progress, EBEEPS also highlight the areas with respect to Cognitive Domains in which students progress is up to the mark while showing the weak spots of their preparations, so that they can lay their maximum focus in these areas.

Content Categories Analysis

Detailed Analysis Report on Content Categories
EBEEPS has divided all the books of each class in to various content categories based on questions being asked by various boards in the papers, like definitions, roles, factors, laws, functions, methods, model, types of various items and so on. Every question being asked by the examiners in any board exam revolves around these content categories.

Student Committed Mistakes

Detailed Analysis on Mistakes Committed by the Students
After having seen the weak spots of preparations, the students are also given a rundown of their committed mistakes in the papers. They are shows the type of mistakes committed along with their frequency and list of question in which they have committed these mistakes.

Paper Analysis

Detailed Analysis on Paper Presentation & Handwriting
Most of the students are normally do not realize the importance of their paper presentation and hand writing, hence commit numerous mistakes in this regard thereby losing handsome marks in the papers indirectly.

Studdent's Weakest and Strogest Areas

The aim of ‘Performance Analytics’ is to identify the weak areas of student’s preparations which ultimate help the students divert their concerted efforts towards those areas for improvement with ease and comfort. EBEEPS identify their weak areas with respect to Cognitive Domains and Content Categories.

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